Congratulations to the Ayrshire breeders in Finland on their exhibitions at the recent winter show at the Seinajoki Arena.
Judge - Christopher Sturder, Canada
Grand Champion, Intermediate winner, Best Udder - Joukolan RoyalTometta (Bigstar) Laura and Jouko Laiholahti
Reserve Champion, Mature winner - Joukolan Almikki (Perfect) Laura and Jouko Laiholahti
HM, 2nd Mature - Moison Old Spice (Pokerstars) Moisio mty
Junior Champion - Joukolan Z-Uriel (Timing) Laura and Jouko Laiholahti
Reserve Junior Champion - Moison Venakko (Reynolds) Moisio mty
HM Junior - Vanhatalon Player Winner (Player) Juho and Heikki Vanhatalo