World Ayrshire Federation
World Ayrshire Federation
Latest News
WAF Youth Tour - Australia 2023
Posted: August 29 2023

WELCOME TO Australia

The Australian Ayrshire Federal Committee extends a very warm welcome to our World Ayrshire Federation (WAF) Youth Tour participants. Participants from representing countries Sweden, Canada, USA, UK, New Zealand, Australia and Finland will form the tour, together with hosts Andrew Gray and Imogen Steiner, and bus driver Greg Edmonds.

During the delegates time in Australia, they will take a small tour of Victoria visiting some well-known site-seeing locations and Ayrshire herds along the way to the Royal Adelaide show where they will be allocated an Ayrshire exhibitor to help care for their animals and prepare them for showing. 

A full itinerary is below for information about the tour, farms and delegates.

Keep an eye on the World Ayrshire Federation and Australian Ayrshires socials for updates along the way. 

The WAF Committee would like to thank the Australian Ayrshire Federal Committee for hosting this youth tour. 

